Are you ready to have your best marching band season ever? PLUS, raise leaders who will be successful in life?

We DRIVE Potential
Our mission is to change the world one step at a time through building leaders with the mindset to play big in life and achieve greatness cultivated through the vehicle of music, marching band, and college and career development.
What is the Point and Drive®
Leadership Seminar?
An Innovative Approach to Creating a Dynamic Band Program
& This Generations Leaders
Hear about the Movie that Became a Movement and Motivator for Excellence!

1st - Seminar kicks off with Exclusive Film Screening - We set the stage for engagement by using our documentary Point and Drive to spark dialogue, teach, and serve as a model to help youth maximize their potential using the vehicle of music and band to encourage college and career development, leadership skills, and character development. Real life experiences through the voices of renowned band alumni, musicians, business influencers, entertainers and experts who benefited from being in the marching band on screen, will prove to be a tool to inspire and promote the benefit of band and higher education.

2nd Transformational Seminar - Producer, 4X Author, National Speaker, and Personal Development Coach Brandi Mitchell engages your students in this powerful transformational leadership seminar based on life-skills, and certain to make a measurable impact on your program and your students life. The emphasis of the seminar is about seeking to be the best version of yourself, and modeling excellence in order to properly lead others and to be successful in life be it college or career. Brandi’s curriculum encourages your group to become one with a mission to carry out the goals and vision of the band program while also allowing the students to see the “big picture” - that what they do now on the marching band field and in school will contribute to their success in life. We encourage them to win in life starting now as a leader.

3rd The Book - After the seminar to reinforce what they’ve learn and go even further, your students can elect to have the new book Point and Drive For Life: The Marching Band Factor , 10 Principles For Playing Big in Life and Reaching Your Goals One STEP at a Time. For the first time, Brandi reveals the formula produced by the marching band which creates an inner rhythm that becomes the motivational soundtrack to achieve greatness; that rhythm and success mindset Brandi has coined as The Marching Band Factor.
Who should attend?
Section leaders, drum majors, band officers and all students with positions of leadership. Some directors find value in sending their entire band.
What is the workshop like?
This three-hour interactive and transformational experience will deeply imprint the impact and influence of being a student leader within the context of band, but certainly as an asset in life. Your students will be provoked to aspire for excellence in themselves thereby being a model for others, as well as strive to explore the leader they are capable of being.
What your students will learn:
Through the film ‘Point and Drive’ and valuable information inside of a content-rich and relatable seminar, students will learn the 10 Principles that make up The Marching Band Factor®, and be exposed to:
Creating An Environment and Culture of Excellence
Understanding Self-Discipline & Making Sound Decisions
How to Connect with and Motivate Their Peers
The Responsibility of Holding a Position of Influence
Becoming the Leader Others Want to Follow
The Difference Between Hazing & Discipline
The Connection Between Band and Having Success in Life


“What you presented are commonalities that every band director, every band member, and every successful person can identify with, regardless of their music or band experience.”
Scott Casagrande
President, National Band Association

Bernie Hendricks
Band Director, Ocoee High School
Orlando, Fl
" This is an awesome production that captures the spirit of band. As a high school band director, I would highly recommend this movie to all band students especially the leaders in their respective programs."

Alfred Watkins
Retired Band Director of famed
Lassiter High School Band - Marietta , GA
" The film is fantastic and is one that any lover of bands should see. Your unique film emphasizes the highest degree of character, musicianship and tremendous work ethic which lives inside of us today".

" POINT AND DRIVE reminds us that no matter where you are from or where you start, being of excellence and living in your passion can support your dreams and aspirations as you stay the course.”
Melissa Hughes
President, Live Rich. Spread Wealth

Scotty Barnhart
Grammy Winner, Director of The
Count Basie Orchestra,
Professor Florida State University
"Point and Drive is INCREDIBLE!!! The entire world needs to see this documentary .You are a genius visionary Brandi Mitchell!!! There aren't enough superlatives in the English language to properly describe what you have produced and given to the world. Thank you for having me be a part of it. The world will all soon know what you have contributed in such a wonderful fashion".

" Point and Drive is indeed the most definitive documentation on the "Marching 100". Congratulations and thank you for capturing the essence of the "100". Point and Drive is a must see for everyone".
Lindsay Sarjeant
Chairman of Music Dept. Florida A&M University, legendary arranger for The FAMU Marching 100

What's involved in hosting a LIVE seminar & what's the investment?
Student Workshop Options
Brandi offers a wide variety of services that can help any group maximize their potential and desire for greatness. We have a format and style to meet any need and any budget including:
Multi-Group Workshops: A Multi-group workshops is when 4 - 5 schools attend one seminar at a host school in the area. Each school sends a minimum of 25 leaders, 40 max (please let us know if you need more space for your group).
Single Group Workshops: Brandi works exclusively with your group. The contents can be customized to meet the individual needs of your group. The workshop is broken up into a general workshop with your entire group and additional session with just the leaders.
Music Education Conventions/Events/Youth Conferences
In addition to our student centered workshops, Brandi is a highly sought after presenter for music education organizations. Her relatable presentation style and unique life perspective from her curated expertise in personal development, entertainment, entrepreneurial space, and experience interviewing hundreds of the nations top musicians, band directors, and band alumni makes her among the most sought after presenters both in music education and in the area of maximizing potential.
Educational Institutions
Brandi and Point and Drive offers a wide variety of services for educational institutions. Whether you are looking for leadership products or our books, a speaker, book signings, or screening of our film, working with Brandi Mitchell and Point and Drive should be your home for personal development resources.

Option #1 Multi - School Event ( Minimum of 4-5 Schools/Groups)
A multi - school event is when 4-5 schools attend one seminar at a host school in the area. Each school sends a minimum of 25 leaders, 40 max (please let us know if you need more space for your group).
$40 per student (Atlanta and surrounding areas) OR Cost is $50 per student (If outside of the surrounding Atlanta Area and is an all inclusive price - no additional fees or travel expenses to cover).
The deposit to secure the date is 50% or $500 (will vary according to your group size), with the remainder due 30 days before the seminar
In some cases, we already have requests from bands in your area, so you may be able to join an existing group, however, you can also elect to invite surrounding schools to participate. Simply share this information with your colleagues to promote and they can also visit www.PointAndDriveMovie.com. Many of them will be familiar with the Point and Drive name or perhaps have attended one of our screenings of the film.
Option #2 Exclusive Seminar for Your School and Band
If you'd like to bring Brandi in, just to do an empowerment and leadership seminar (entire band and leaders), the investment is $5,000 ($6,000 outside of the surrounding Atlanta area). That's an all inclusive price (no additional fees or travel expenses to cover). This is Brandi working exclusively with you and your band, for up to four hours.
It’s super easy to book.
#1. Submit your potential dates HERE so we can check availability. We can do an event as early as February, or as late as September, your choice, but we advise you get on our calendar asap if you're interested in a LIVE seminar in the 2018/2019 season.
#2 Once the date is agreed upon, we will direct you on how to submit a 50% deposit or the entire cost if you elect.
#3. Simply get the proper approvals needed from your boosters, administration, etc.
REMEMBER: Book asap, we only do 20 seminars a year, throughout the country, so it's super exclusive.

A Message From Brandi Mitchell
My name is Brandi Mitchell, and I’m a 6-time student leader spanning middle school to collegiate bands, member of Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority, and creator of Point and Drive® Leadership Seminars, Point and Drive® Film, and Point and Drive: The Marching Band Factor Book... and a proud Band Mom! When I was a student leader, I had the privilege of studying with Dr. William P. Foster and Dr. Julian White as well as playing and serving with people who have now become the nations top band directors, musicians, and leaders in multiple areas of expertise. As an adult I had the opportunity to be mentored by the greatest speakers and coaches in the industry. I have always been surrounded by those who have made excellence their standard, and what started off as a passion project as a film, turned into a movement that has impacted the world. I am committed to helping the next generation of leaders make their own mark on life, and be the best leaders in their band programs and beyond.
Professional Bio
Called a Renaissance Woman for her creative ability to fuse entertainment, marketing, inspiration, and storytelling into a bankable brand, Brandi is the owner of KORIS Media, The Package the Product of You Academy, and founder of The Point and Drive Foundation. Brandi got her start as a celebrity makeup and hair artist in television and film working with some of the top celebrities and influencers. She successfully transitioned to CEO, 4 - time author, national speaker, filmmaker, and business coach. Her passion is to empower others to fully maximize and monetize their talent, ideas, and expertise by creating space to explore the “what’s possible” in their lives and living the life they have imagined - because that’s the philosophy she lives daily in her own life!
Brandi earned a degree in Psychology from Florida A&M University and is a veteran of the TV and film industry. Brandi has worked on shows for TLC, TBS, BET, MTV, and TV ONE. She is a national speaker has been featured on CBS, FOX, The Michael Baisden Show, The Tom Joyner Foundation, and Rolling Out Magazine. More about Brandi at www.BrandiMitchell.com
About the Point and Drive® Film
Point and Drive® is a documentary that gives the world an up-close look at how music and marching in the band lays the foundation for drive and ambition in life.
Meet these unforgettable voices from various HBCU (Historically Black College and University) Bands – granting intimate access to what it takes to make the band, persevere beyond circumstance, push past limits, and ultimately who you can become because of music. Point and Drive demonstrates the strength of the human spirit and the power of music to raise leaders that change the world through insight from successful band alumni in various "fields" of expertise, as well as some of the top musicians and educators. Point and Drive reminds us that no matter where you are from or where you start, being of excellence and living in your passion can support your dreams and aspirations as you stay the course. Watch Point and Drive, and you will see: Band is Life. More at www.pointanddrivemovie.com
About the Book - Point and Drive For Life: The Marching Band Factor
For the first time, Brandi reveals the formula produced by the marching band which creates an inner rhythm that becomes the motivational soundtrack to achieve greatness; that rhythm and success mindset Brandi has coined The Marching Band Factor. In Point and Drive For Life: The Marching Band Factor, Mitchell illuminates the simple principles each of us can take to play big in our life and achieve our goals one step at a time. Mitchell, through stories from her film ‘Point and Drive’ and insights from successful band members across the business, entertainment, education, arts and non-profit fields reveal the 4 steps and 10 principles that will help you define what you want, go after it, and have the drive to create amazing outcomes and success for you and others in your life and career.

How Would You Like to Get Started?
#1. Submit your potential dates HERE so we can check availability. We can do an event as early as February, or as late as September, your choice, but we advise you get on our calendar asap if you're interested in a LIVE seminar in the 2018/2019 season.
#2 Once the date is agreed upon, we will direct you on how to submit a 50% deposit or the entire cost if you elect.
#3. Simply get the proper approvals needed from your boosters, administration, etc.
Book asap, we only do 20 seminars a year, throughout the country, so it's super exclusive.